Top 5 Things to Remember When Driving On Cement Roads
This blog brief you about Top 5 Things to Remember When Driving On Cement Roads

If you are a travel enthusiast and riding or driving gives you pleasure, cruising through highways and expressways and going out on regular road trips makes your day then you should certainly not neglect the roads on which you are riding. In India where National Highways and expressways length are measured to be over 102,087 km (62,191 mi) as of June 2016 and 70% of those highways are made up of concrete, you should considers some facts and tips about driving on concrete roads.

1. Always Check The Tire Condition Before Driving On Cemented Roads.
Driving and speeding on cemented roads with worn out old tire can be very fatal. The cemented roads tend to have a polished surface which can be slippery due to lack of rugged surface and during rains and snow these roads are extremely dangerous. Speeding with vehicle with worn out type can result in accidents.

2. Type Pressure on These Roads Matter.
Always maintain a proper air pressure in tire on cemented roads. As on highways and expressways riders tends to maintain a speed of over 120km/hr it is advisable to keep a perfect air pressureintire for better contact with road. On cemented road driving at high speed generate a lots of heat due to friction on your tireand in case of less air pressure, overheating will occur in greater amount due to more friction hence more chance of a tire burst.
3. Fill Your Tire with Nitrogen
Filling nitrogen to your tire instead of oxygen is a better option as nitrogen wouldn’t leave the tire easily like normal oxygen contained air. With nitrogen Tire pressures will remain more stable over the long term. This will increase the tire durability up to 7% and a nitrogen filled tire will last for almost 5-6 months.

4. Take Breaks and Take a Load off Your Tires
During long rides on cemented highways your tires will take a great toll due to constantoverheating and you don’t want a tire burst or a cracked tire in middle of a road. So always take small breaks and let yourtires relax a bit.
5. Always Keep a Spare Tire and Tire Pressure Gauge
You don’t want a flat tire at a middle of the road, always keep a spare tire in good condition and a tire pressure gauge that can be useful in checking for air pressure in tire before hitting the roads.